2020 changed everything!

Bestway Europe
2 min readApr 6, 2021

A new target audience not to be underestimated.

The year that just ended was unprecedented, the pandemic has shocked our world. Our habits, the way we interacted, communicated, and worked has completely changed. The little things we took for granted, like a meeting in person, a simple hug, or a chat with colleagues over coffee, have become impractical to protect ourselves and those we love.

In all of this, technology has been a great ally, giving us the tools to share, communicate and work from all over the world. This has led to increased time spent on the internet, increased use of mobile devices and social media. Our relationship with these channels has gone through a significant transformation, consolidating themselves as necessary, more aware, and perhaps for this reason even more positive.

During lockdown we were all more connected, but there are differences between the generations: the greatest growth was recorded among the seniors, or so-called Baby Boomers.

Half a billion new users of social platforms, 1.3 billion years spent online, trillions spent on eCommerce sites. Significant growths, but not the same across all age groups.

The highest increase in terms of time spent was between Baby Boomers (+ 16%) and Generation X (+ 14%). Baby Boomers are those born between 1946 and 1964 and Generation X are those born between 1965 and 1979. These are groups of people who probably used digital tools less before the lockdown and who had to equip themselves to communicate, work or maintain long-distance relationships. In younger generations, already used to devoting a lot of time to these aspects of digital life, the increase was smaller: + 9% for Millennials and + 3% for Generation Z.

The Baby Boomers have especially increased their online time dedicated to GDO, followed by the online Public Administration and the non-profit sector; the latter also includes initiatives related to donations, fundraising and volunteering, in which senior Italians have participated using digital tools.

So, will they change the strategic landscape in marketing? What will companies have to do? Baby boomers carry a significance that should be considered in digital marketing strategies. Let’s not forget the fact that they are still the generation with the highest purchasing power today.

Data Source: https://www.gfk.com/pl/prasa/generations-y-z-differ-in-key-shopping-attitudes-habits-gfk-study


Minoli Maria Stella (Junior Marketing Manager)

